Thursday, December 22, 2011


Last night, my husband and I went to visit some friends. We shared some of the difficult things we'd been through this year. Our conversation and subsequent feelings ran deep. When I left, I felt renewed somehow. Nothing in my set of personal problems had changed, but things didn't seem quite so overwhelming. Friends are important, especially around the holidays.

Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Black Friday desperation

I was thinking about my experience going to a Black Friday sale with a friend this year. I don't usually go to them, but she wanted me to go with her. I realized she just wanted to talk outside her house about her baby who had died 24 hours after his birth, so I went to support her. We had a long deep conversation during the hours while we were waiting to get into the store. Finally, they threw open the doors and we walked in as people pushed ahead of us to get inside, shoving me backward so they could get in first. I picked up a few things that I wanted, but the mobs around certain popular items left me feeling sad after observing them from a distance.

They made a choice--the choice to be desperate. Desperation is always a choice, and I choose never to be so desperate that I'll treat another human being like an object or animal. 

Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Spending time with my kids

I watched kid history episodes with my kids tonight. I love the way kids perceive things. We laughed until my stomach hurt. I'm grateful for children and their ability to laugh and have fun.