Sunday, April 29, 2012

Update on my Lara Croft project

I've been lifting weights faithfully for three months now and I'm happy with the results so far. I've still got more work though. I had to quit running because of an overuse injury in my hip. I'm starting the running again tomorrow. The natural foods thing in conjunction with the exercise is tough. It is expensive and takes extra time, but it will be easier this summer because I'm growing lots of vegetables in my garden. I have pots of herbs sprouting in my sunniest window too. But, will I be ready for a Lara Croft outfit by October?

Thursday, April 26, 2012

Romantic Surprises

I know it's not Valentine's Day, but I've been thinking about romantic surprises today. Unexpected notes, flowers, gifts, dinners, and decorations. Happy surprises are always fun, but they are the best when they come from your sweetie.

Friday, April 20, 2012

Story snippet for a misty day

Early in the morning, the scene changed. She stood in a forest. A steady drizzle shrouded everything in a light mist.
Her dark green cloak blended in with the surrounding foliage. Only the occasional call of a bird punctuated the early morning quiet. She tiptoed to a clearing just ahead, the loamy scent of damp earth permeating the air with every step.
A cottage similar to John Dunn’s appeared as she came out of the trees. Thin wisps rose from the chimney pots on the roof. She smelled the wood smoke as she approached.
The small dwelling beckoned her. Pulled toward the front door, she opened it and walked in. The ceiling was much higher than John’s, and a staircase led to a loft. She thought she was alone until she heard Jake’s voice. “I've been waiting for you.
She pushed the hood of her cloak back. It settled on her shoulders, and she turned toward him. He was leaning back in the window seat. A familiar smirk crossed his handsome face as she appraised him. His period clothing put him in another place, another time. She caught herself staring. Heat rose in her cheeks. She looked down.
“You should take off that wet cloak.”
 She unclasped her outer garment. It dropped to the floor. Her reflection in the window glass behind Jake stared back in a midnight blue floor-length dress. Its fitted bodice, empire waist, and long sleeves placed it in the same era as Jake’s outfit.
The logs in the fireplace crackled and startled her. She turned and moved closer to its warmth. Lots of candles in this room would make it perfect.
Suddenly, tiny flames atop numerous candles appeared everywhere except the floor, filling the space with golden light. Drawing in a quick breath, she scanned the room. This is not a normal dream. Who’s creating it? What’s going on?
Jake’s heavy leather riding boots hit the wooden floor with a loud clunk. She faced him. His intense expression made her heart race, and the warmth in his eyes enfolded her.
She took a step forward and put her arms around him. This seems so real. Jake feels solid and…. He put his arms around her and buried his face in her hair.

Wednesday, April 18, 2012

It makes you think, doesn't it?

It's been raining all week

I like the light drizzly rain we get in the spring. It's my favorite weather. I can walk outside without getting too wet, and the earth smells fresh and loamy. The plants look more green, and there are clouds wrapped around the tops of the mountains. It's perfect for running--not too hot and not too cold. There is an issue with frizzy hair, however....