Monday, January 9, 2012

100 things I'm grateful for


                                                                101 things I’m grateful for

  1. Indoor plumbing
  2. Hot and cold running water
  3. Central heating and cooling
  4. Giving birth to my children
  5. The ability to run
  6. Music
  7. Cheesecake
  8. Laundry machines
  9. Automatic dishwashers
  10. Cars
  11. Airplanes
  12. My education
  13. Massage therapists
  14. Good healthcare
  15. Soap/shampoo
  16. Disinfectant
  17. Antibiotics
  18. Books
  19. Family
  20. Friends
  21. My house
  22. Clothing
  23. Plentiful food (so much that I worry about my weight)
  24. A nearby fitness center
  25. A nearby swimming pool
  26. Computers
  27. My piano
  28. My flute
  29. A bed to sleep in
  30. Furniture in my house
  31. Electric wall oven
  32. Gas stove top
  33. Granite counter tops
  34. Cupboards
  35. Mountains
  36. Skiing
  37. Snow
  38. Rain
  39. Sunshine
  40. Seasons
  41. Animals
  42. Sheets and blankets
  43. Running shoes
  44. Chocolate
  45. Gardens
  46. Beaches
  47. Sunsets
  48. Rainbows
  49. Disneyland
  50. Holidays
  51. Celebrations
  52. Vacations
  53. Work
  54. Pedicures
  55. Hair dye
  56. Razors
  57. Gladiolus (My favorite flower)
  58. Good health
  59. Family heirlooms
  60. Fun surprises
  61. People who make me keep my promises
  62. Movies that inspire me
  63. Visiting Japan
  64. Visiting Germany
  65. Visiting Israel
  66. Having a concert pianist play for me on my 16th birthday
  67. Piano lessons
  68. The ability to play the piano
  69. The ability to sing
  70. The ability to write
  71. The ability to read
  72. My body
  73. Boehm’s fudge
  74. Caramel
  75. Everyone who produces something that I use
  76. Smiles
  77. Kisses
  78. Hugs
  79. Being born
  80. My life
  81. People who tell me the truth
  82. Insulation
  83. Sprinkler systems
  84. Clean water to drink
  85. Craftsmen
  86. Teachers
  87. Eyesight
  88. Hearing
  89. Sense of smell
  90. Tasting things
  91. Feeling things
  92. Dental care
  93. Telephones
  94. Dancing
  95. Spices
  96. Peaches
  97. Raspberries
  98. Scriptures
  99. Temples
  100. Jesus Christ’s teachings
  101. Jesus Christ’s atonement

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